

The activity practices words for different kinds of weather.

  • Collection of Short Poems

    For Reading Practice (easy English); Can be used on English Boards (JHS, SHS)

  • Jamaica is a beautiful country.

    You can eat...It's... This is for the Unit 3 of New Horizon 6' lesson about food. More specifically, to practice the sentences, "You can eat..." & "It's (taste)."

  • Let's Try 2: Units 1 - 9 (KAHOOTS for All Units)

    ALL the KAHOOTS you'll need for LET'S TRY 2

  • Months/Days of the Week/Weather Decoration Cards

    Cards to refer to as a visual for your daily English greetings. Perfect to use on the corner of your blackboard to describe today's current weather, month, and day of the week. Originally made for ES.

  • English Writing Booklet

    a small booklet for students to enjoy practicing their writing

  • South African English Board

    Something to help fill up your English board

  • Various Matching Games for Elementary

    Matching games for grades 5 & 6

  • Disaster Prevention in America

    A short presentation about disasters in America and school drills. Targeted towards 3rd grade junior high school students learning Unit 4.

  • Weather in English

    Focused on New Horizons 2 pg.56

  • Unit 1 Gimkit - 5th & 6th Grade - Crown Jr. (New)

    Some gimkits I made. One for 5th grade and one for 6th grade. Review of the first term + past years' info.

  • "Caterpillar" Speaking Activity (Flexible)

    Students find a partner, say the target sentence. If same answer, one goes to the back of the other, then they find another person, and form a caterpillar or chain of people with same answer.

  • Alphabet sugoroku!

    Two simple, cute sugoroku boards to practice reading capital letters and saying some other easy words!

  • 🐍 Snake Game (10+ PDFs!)

    Snake game boards for Elementary school based on the Let's Try and New Horizons textbooks. Enjoy!

  • Snoopy Weather and Clothes for Grade 4

    I have used the same activity megannagem created for JHS but edited it for Grade 4 and weathers included in Lets Try 2.

  • It's snowy...Boots, please!

    A simple drawing activity for Let's Try 2 Unit 2 to practice weather, clothing, and colors!

  • Challenge Corner: Weather

    English Board Activity

  • Let's Try 2 Unit 2 How's the weather kahoot

    Kahoot quiz for ES 4th graders.

  • Let’s Try 2. Unit 2. Japan weather pair activity.

    Here are 2 maps of Japan (Sheet A and a sheet B). There are 13 cities named (English/Kanji with furigana) and a box to draw the weather in. This is a simple pair-work info gap activity.

  • Let's Try 2 Unit 2 clothes/weather Game

    Students practice colors, weather and names of clothing items by dressing a character and answering questions.

  • Japan Weather Report

    How's the weather? How about elsewhere in Japan? A quick presentation/drill and worksheet to practice talking about the weather in different Japanese prefectures.

  • How`s the Weather

    Easy weather lesson with weather maps for ES Let`s try 1.

  • Let's Try 2 Unit 2 How's the weather? Quiz

    Quiz based on sunny, cloudy, rainy, and snowy weather. Also includes the mentioned sports and activities from the textbook (make a snowman, play cards, play dodgeball, play tag etc.)

  • Word Search Generator

    Make your own word search in minutes!

  • Let's Try 2: Unit 2 (Weather Board game)

    This is a weather board game I created using Canva. Attached to this are large picture cards and the game board. This was inspired by thaist.

  • Bomb Review Game (3rd Grade Review)

    Bomb game for my incoming 4th graders, intended to review 3rd grade materials. Can be used for both grades depending on your class.

  • Connect Three Year-End Review Games for ES

    Boardgame Designs to review, let students practice speaking English Vocabulary: Colors, Numbers 1-20, Weather, Fruits, Sports, Shapes, Animals. Same Mechanics as the original Connect Four Boardgame.

  • Let's Try 2: Units 8 & 9 KAHOOT

    A Kahoot review game for Let's Try 2: Units 8 & 9 with a BONUS section of one question each from all previous units.

  • 3年生 Year Review Treasure Hunt Game

    Students make teams and search for items using the vocab they've learned this year. A bomb is -3pts, coins are +2pts, treasure is +5pts and a thief is steal 3pts

  • 3nensei Super Mario Typhoon Review

    Review typhoon game for many grammar points in Elementary School English lessons - 3rd grade questions.

  • Mario Party 3rd/4th Grade

    remake of the original for 3rd/4th grade

  • 4nensei Super Mario Typhoon Review

    Review typhoon game for many grammar points in Elementary School English lessons - 3rd and 4th grade questions.

  • Mini Reviews

    Short powerpoint review challenges to use as warm ups!

  • 4年生 Year Review Treasure Hunt Game

    Students make teams and search for items using the vocab they've learned this year. A bomb is -3pts, coins are +2pts, treasure is +5pts and a thief is steal 3pts

  • Winter-related Words Uno

    Something fun for your students in the frosty season

  • Weather Janken

    A simple weather janken worksheet~

  • Let's Try 2, Units 1-9, Vocab, Blooket

    Blooket study sets to be used as in-class game activities or assigned as at-home review. Each set covers the vocab learned or reviewed in that unit. You can use any of the Blooket games with these!

  • Let's Try 1, Units 1-9, Vocab, Blooket

    Blooket study sets to be used as in-class game activities or assigned as at-home review. Each set covers the vocab learned or reviewed in that unit. You can use any of the Blooket games with these!

  • NH1 Units 3-5 Review Jeopardy

    A Jeopardy activity designed to review Units 3-5 of New Horizon JHS level 1 for exams.

  • New Horizons 6, Units 1-8 Vocab, Quizlet

    Quizlet sets including all of the new and reviewed vocab for each unit. Can be used in class or assigned as review.

  • New Horizons 5, Units 1-8 Vocab, Quizlet

    Quizlet sets including all of the new and reviewed vocab for each unit. Can be used in class or assigned as review.

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