
Find Sonic Warm-up Game

One of my favorite warm-up games on this site is Mr.Issei's Legend of Zelda: Link's Pot Smashing Game. I just changed the graphics and theme. Please check out his original game.

This is Mr.Issei's Legend of Zelda: Link's Pot Smashing Game changed to the theme of Sonic. The reason for changing it was because I don't think a lot of my students are familiar with Zelda games. I used this game as a warm-up to review content.

How I played his game in my class was that I put students into pairs and I asked them the question on the screen. If they answered correctly, they could choose a box 1, 2 , or 3. Each box has a different prize or penalty.

Rings - Safe (proceed onto the next question)
Sonic - Both you and your partner get a sticker
Eggman - Ask your partner the same question on the screen

The answers are a little tedious to input since you have to move some of the graphics on my design of the game.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Find Sonic Game.pptx (2.79 MB)
  • 15
    Submitted by crispybean January 25, 2023 Estimated time: 10 minutes
    1. waivace January 30, 2023

      Omg, I've wanted to create a Sonic game but had no ideas, so I'm so very happy to see this. It looks great! I can't wait to use it!

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