
Choose your Pokemon Warm-up Game

Have the class answer questions correctly to choose their starting Pokemon and practice past and current topics before the class gets rolling

I had some time and spare assets lying around so I threw this guy together to pass the time. Shout out to MrIssei. Your pot game inspired me to just keep upgrading the formula. I recommend this game only be used on "genki" classes and if you want to chance what each question does, you can just type in your own thing.

Before you start: Fill out the questions to match what your students have learned/are learning

Start with the practice round. Have a student answer the question and then have them pick a pokeball, which you select by clicking it. Each of the 4 pokemon have different effects:

   - Squirtle: Ask sensei (you) the same question
   - Bulbasaur: Ask a friend or neighbor the same question
   - Charmander: Bonus question (make it an easy one)
   - Pikachu: Safe, no more questions on to the next round

Use as little or as many of the slides as you think is needed. The objective is to warm up the class for the day’s lesson so I recommend only making it 10 minutes max

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Choose your Pokemon Warm-up.pptx (14.9 MB)
  • 17
    Submitted by Lucasmh January 31, 2022 Estimated time: 10min
    1. mssamansa January 5, 2023

      This is awesome, love the randomization and the way it gets other students involved. Thanks for posting!!

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