
What is this? Quiz (Passive Voice)

12-question quiz with hints written in the passive voice. Good for a short pair/group exercise to practice listening and reading.

My JTE wanted some kind of quiz for the students to practice listening to/reading hints given in the passive voice. The first couple of questions are easy with only a few options. As the quiz continues (12 total questions), more options are given to choose from. Then for the final 4 questions, they get no options and have to write their own original answers (my English classroom has whiteboards and markers for these kinds of activities). This is geared towards JHS 2nd year students, but the questions (specifically the history questions) are taught in elementary school, so the grammar can be changed to fit your current unit.

My JTE just wants the answers from the students to be "Is it ~?", but you can change that to be whatever you like.
The font being used is from the New Horizon digital textbooks/installation CD. If you don't have those fonts, feel free to use whatever your students can read.

- Slide 9 should show the answer as B) Holland, not D) Holland
- Slide 11 should say 58 World Heritage Sites, not 56 (in case students decide to check, 56 is China)

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 2年 Unit 7 - What is this Quiz (受け身形).pptx (14.5 MB)
  • 22
    Submitted by MrMomotaro January 31, 2023 Estimated time: 15-20 minutes (more if your students need thinking time)
    1. ratclass February 1, 2023

      Great! I was working on a quiz but my mind blanked coming up with some questions, this was super helpful, thanks for sharing!

    2. MrMomotaro February 3, 2023

      @ratclass I asked my JTE what the students would know, and she suggested games, characters, and social studies/history questions. I also consulted with the social studies teacher to make sure they actually learned this material at some point up until JHS 2nd year.

    3. kiboper January 12, 2024


    4. OdafromTaijima May 11, 2024

      Thank you! I am using this for New Crown 3 L2

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