
Let's Try 2! Unit 1, Pg 2 - 5

A worksheet based off the materials provided in the Let's Try 2! textbook. This worksheet focuses on Unit 1.

This worksheet, on the front side, is made to pair with "Let's Watch and Think (LWT)" video on page 2, in which they need to connect the dots to the countries they look at. This activity works well with the "Let's Listen 1" activity on page 3.

It let's students who are struggling with listening, listen more and students who are more advanced to double check their understanding.

When checking the answers for "LWT", have the students match (if there is a TV), if not, have them call out the countries and if they heard the names of the people talking. Students who can read, will be able to read the names on the worksheet.

On the backside, is another listening and writing for "LWT(2)" in which various students talk to Graham-sensei. On the bottom of the page is a word box with various words that can be heard throughout the videos. Students can use it as a guide to write or circle.

This activity is for any advanced students to practice their writing and listening. For the weaker students, they can write in Japanese.

I ended up splitting the lessons like this:

Lesson 1 - Introduction to countries (vocabulary practice - 2 YouTube songs ("Hello Around the World | Say Hello in 15 Different Languages | Explore World Song | JunyTony", "Where Are You From? | Countries Of The World | Wormhole English - Songs For Kids"). LWT 1 and check the answers then Let's Listen and also check the answers. Then the "Let's play" activity on page 4. Students had to write their names in English. The likes section could be written in English or Japanese. This took about the whole class time.

Lesson 2 - Vocabulary practice (countries), the 2 YouTube songs. "LWT 2" - takes time for students to watch, listen and write. Then "Let's Listen 2", this one also takes time for students - mostly when checking answers though. Students can answer in Japanese but ask if any students would like to try writing it in English.

Lesson 3 - Vocabulary practice (countries), the 2 YouTube songs. "Activity 1" - add another category for "country", and have students use the script when speaking:

A: Jambo (or any other greeting they've learned through the song or activities)
B: Hello, where are you from?
A: I'm from Kenya.
B: What's your name?
A: I'm ~~
B: What do you like?
A: I like ~~
B: What do you dislike (do not like)?
A: I don't like ~~
(Then switch)

If there is still time at the end of class, students can come up to present with a partner.

It depends on the level of the class, but so far this activity has been effective in my classes, so I though I'd share it.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • _Let's try 2 pg 4 -5.pdf (1.5 MB)
  • 7
    Submitted by Kir013 May 21, 2024 Estimated time: 30 - 45 min

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