
Learning Home Economics Quiz

This is a quiz for the Home Economics p.19 in New Horizons 2 for JHS.

My JTE asked me to bring in any food packaging I had from my home country (the UK), and use it to make a quiz.

You will need:
- (optional) Food packaging from your home country. Try to get food packaging from 4 different categories.
- PowerPoint.
- Mini whiteboards and marker pens, enough for each group.

Set up:
Split class into groups. Give each group a whiteboard and pen.

Students have to guess what type of food it is, based on the nutrition label. There is a logo quiz at the end.

Part 1:
Show the PowerPoint - mine is made with English food that I had at the time. If you're not from the UK, then you can change the food to things from your home country.
Show the categories (I used: Candy, Chocolate, Snack and Biscuit). It's a good idea to write them on the blackboard too, so students can remember which category is A, B, C and D.
For each question, give the students time to read the ingredients (or read them out). Check any ingredients they don't know. If you have studied p.19 beforehand, the students should be familiar with the layout.
Students write A, B, C or D, and hold their boards up.
Reveal the answer.
Reveal the food - if you have the food with you, this is the time I'd show the students the actual product.
I did 7 questions, but you can adjust for time or for how much food you have.

Part 2:
There are 6 logos from British food packaging, students have to guess the meaning from A, B and C. (Again, if you are using your own food, then check that you use these logos in your home country.)
In-between each question, I included an example of the logo on British food packaging.

(optional) At the end, let the students look at the packaging you brought in. Obviously, the students are NOT allowed to eat the food. Most schools frown on this for allergy reasons. But, they can look at the packaging and feel the items. (My students were surprised at the size and weight of the English chocolate, in Japan their chocolate bars are so tiny!).

((For formatting, I use: 'Antique Olive Compact' or 'Segoe UI Black' for titles, and 'UD デジタル UK-R' for body text.))

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Learning Home Economics Quiz p.19 PPT.pptx (26.1 MB)
  • 4
    Submitted by lianneinjapan May 24, 2024 Estimated time: 30 - 50 minutes
    1. klstoujour May 28, 2024

      This is very useful. Thanks.

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