
Halloween Jeopardy 2021

Took the old one and brought it up to the current Powerpoint versions while throwing in a touch of spice

Standard Jeapordy game. One less row than the old one to accomidate for space. To get back to the main screen, make sure to click the pumpkin on the question card.

Happy Halloween!

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Halloween Jeopardy 2021.pptx (24.4 MB)
  • 9
    Submitted by Lucasmh October 20, 2021 Estimated time: 30-40min
    Inspired by Halloween Jeopardy
    1. kaybee6986 October 22, 2021

      This is a really good game to play this time of year! Just be aware there a couple of questions where it doesn't match what the picture is (what is this activity? It's an owl) Also there is one slide where the options are ABAB instead of ABCD. Overall though I really enjoyed this and so did my students.

    2. Lucasmh October 26, 2021

      Thank you for the update. An old version got submitted instead of the finished one. That is on me

    3. AshBrach October 3, 2022

      Just a heads up for anyone using this, the activities for 500 is broken so you need to link it to slide 7. Also the multiple choice for vampire has Shinzo Abe as a choice so it might be a good idea to change that one for sake of being respectful. Other than that, its a great game. Usually lasts me the whole class period.

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