

Students speak in the activity.

  • Which anime character is...?

    A quick tournament-style activity to practice using the "which" grammar point.

  • The boy sleeping on his desk is (UPDATE)

    Students try to identify a class full of slackers by listening or reading descriptions

  • Something to ... guess who

    Short Guess Who style game practicing "something to ~" grammar from New Horizons 2 Unit 3 page 40.

  • Do you know...? Bingo

    Class mingle activity with various indirect questions (間接疑問文). Made for New Horizon 3, Unit 4.

  • What OO do you like? Kirby Sugoroku Game!

    Kirby-themed sugoroku game for Let's Try 1 Unit 5.

  • AMONG US - What Color Do You Like

    Get students to ask each other "what color do you like" and respond with "I like _____", this helps them understand the "what _____ do you like" sentence structure and also helps them remember colors!

  • What time is it?

    Lets Try 2- Unit 4.

  • Universal Design and Pictograms

    To go with the Big Dipper English Communication 2 textbook lesson on Universal Design, but can be used in general

  • Giving Excuses Flick the Eraser Game (Have to~)

    This board game is a fun way to practice the target grammar, 'have to'. It is played in pairs.

  • Friendship Test

    Students use indirect questions (間接疑問文) to quiz their classmates. Made for New Horizon 3, Unit 4.

  • Can you ~ ?

    BINGO game for New Horizon Elementary 5th grade activity

  • Gesture game in mini groups

    Using a set of flashcards get members of a group to gesture a flashcard and other members try guess what it is in English.

  • English Conversation Practice Questions

    This is a long list of English questions you can use for any reason! I use them to begin my classes and sometimes when I want to wander the hallways and ambush students with English conversation!

  • Have to~ Must (Schools around the World)

    This is a PowerPoint guessing game about school rules in different countries.

  • Shichi Narabe Card Game

    Sevens Card Game that can be used for JHS 2 "How + adjective! / What a + adjective + noun!" (unlisted grammar), JHS 1 “She looks sleepy / That sounds scary” and ES Y3 "What ____ do you like"

  • Who~, Is he/she~ Spinner Game

    This is a board game to be played in pairs to practice the target grammar, 'Who~, Is he/she?'

  • Myths and Urban Legends

    A basic lesson on myths and urban legends around the world!

  • Do you have a/an~?

    This is meant to be a whole lesson for Let's Try 2 Unit 5. This is good for 2nd or 3rd lesson in the unit. Feel free to edit as needed.

  • My Summer Vacation Verb/Sentence Practice

    Worksheet to do after summer vacation to get the students writing again and thinking about how to talk about their summer experiences

  • I see/ I spy game (How many~)

    A class based activity that is a question and answer format for the teachers and students. (Blue Sky 1 - Target 11)

  • Sugoroku: ES Y-3: What Do You Like?

    Target students: Elementary 3rd graders and 4th graders. It's also relevant for special needs kids. Students can play this game to practice "What do you like?" and "I like ~~~~".

  • gerunds practice

    Simple worksheet for practicing -ing verbs.

  • "Do you like ________? "Let's Try 1 Unit 4

    This is a practice/activity for 3年生 elementary school students to practice asking "Do you like _____?" and answering "Yes, I do." / "No, I don't." Focused on Let's Try 1 pg 17

  • Criss Cross Game

    This is a good warm up and can be used with most grades for basically any lesson to help kids use target phrases.

  • New Horizon 3 Unit 3 Jeopardy!

    This is a jeopardy game that I created for my third graders in junior high school. It's based on unit 3 in the New Horizon textbook.

  • Let's play tag - or just 鬼ごっこ

    An attempt at playing tag within a classroom but there's no running or touching. Practices prepositions (behind, in front of, between, near) and some school locations. For JHS 1 and maybe ES.

  • Anime Guessing Game - "What are they doing?"

    A fun game great for practicing present continuous/progressive with 1st year Junior High School students using images of different anime characters.

  • He/She can~ 3 hint quiz

    A 3 hint quiz style guessing game to practice "He/She can ~ ". Made for New Horizon Elementary 5 unit 4

  • He is~ She is~ Speaking activity

    This activity can be a warm up activity or a practice speaking activity. This will help students practice speaking and make sentence with the information they have about a person.

  • Question Board Challenge

    -This is a question-and-answer board game for mid-level middle and high school. Students ask questions based on the answer they want instead of a set script and answer challenges for team points.

  • He/She is Pronoun Practice

    Small ES warmup activity to practice "He is..." and "She is..." with characters

  • 2 Truths, 1 Lie: JHS 1

    A classic game you can edit to practice many grammar points! Students write truths and lies about themselves and then tell each other 2 truths and 1 lie. The listener must guess the lie!

  • Basic Introduction

    A short PPT I made to help my special needs students practice a self-introduction. I made examples using popular characters all the students should know.

  • Like Rally 👍 (Speaking Act.)

    Perfect activity to practice any dialogue. Students walk around, find a classmate and practice the dialogue. Once they're done, they can receive a "Nice!" sticker from their partner.

  • Loanwords

    This is a game of association on loadwords for small group of JHS/HS students/English club.

  • Assassin

    Anytime conversation-elimination game that requires no material preperation, but is immensly fun for students to play.

  • Describing Personality

    A handout that aims to help students learn how to describe people's personalities.

  • Evaluation Activity Planning for SHS

    This is a word document describing some potential activities for an evalution.

  • Mario Kart English Race 🏎️ (Boardgame)

    Great for reviewing a wide range of things (unit(s), Let's Talk, Enjoy Communication, a specific grammar point, etc.) in a Mario-Kart board game style.

  • Summer Vacation Conversation Activity

    A 4-part activity with a game at the end to discuss what everyone did during summer vacation. Practices: Simple past (1st person and 3rd), forming questions, superlative, conversation.

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