
Rosca de Reyes Game! 🚼

This activity is inspired by a Mexican tradition called Rosca de Reyes, which I would always do with my family during the holidays. I turned that concept into a speaking PowerPoint game.

In Mexican tradition, you buy or make this bread called Rosca de Reyes, shaped like a wreath. We use it to celebrate the birth of Jesus and before the Three Magic Kings visit him on Jan 6th. In some pieces of bread, there's plastic baby Jesus. Per tradition, whoever gets the babies must throw a party for the family or do something on Feb.2.

Since I can't bring food or bake bread, I created a PowerPoint where students could pick a piece of bread and see if they found the baby. In the PowerPoint, I explained the tradition before we played the game. Once I explained the tradition, I explained how the game would work. I used groups so they could help each other with English, but it could be individual games or groups with their Chromebooks. The group who finds the baby, everyone in the group will answer a question from me.

I used this game for my Junior High School students to practice speaking, but this can be used at any level by changing the questions. You can take away the explanation of the tradition if you want to use the PowerPoint with a different character and theme. I will have a template where you can change the theme to whatever you want. The PowerPoint I had was for my 6th, 2nd, and 3rd years, and I used some of the grammar points they were learning in English class to practice.

There are three types of formats I used for each class because I have smaller classes and levels. How to change the theme and direction will be in the PowerPoint template. This game works best if you have a touchscreen board for the class; if not, you can click on the squares, and students can practice saying numbers.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Rosca de Reyes Game Template.pptx (5.13 MB)
  • Rosca de Reyes Game.pptx (14.7 MB)
  • 11
    Submitted by NessaKawai December 19, 2023 Estimated time: 10-20 minutes
    1. someone December 22, 2023

      Well done!
      what I wouldn't do to have a piece this Christmas with some champurrado...

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